Friday, November 21, 2008

Whose Eyes

When you look from your own eyes you can always find the good. Conversly you can also find the bad. Our perception is a collection of experiences both real and imagined. The truth but also the part that most of us do not consider is our mind does not know one way or the other what an experience is. The mind only does what we tell it to do.
Why is that important? This simple fact is what puts us in and out of our different states of mind. You can create happiness and you can create sadness. I understand that our nervous systems adapts to our current mind frame and releases various neurotransmitters. We can ultimatly change those. The concept of neuroplasticity applies not only to physical acts but imagined tasks and concepts too.
Where am I going with this...whose eyes? Two people looking at the same situation can mean two entirely different things. The truth to that is our experiences are vastly different when we try to live through someone else's eyes. We cannot account for years of thought, action, decision, or experiences real or imagined of anyone other than ourself.
We need to learn to be selflessly selfish and extremely adaptive. We need to know that when thirty people look at one picture although they can all come to one is one simple experience that can change it for the next thirty to come through. Just know that in order for people to co-exist in that picture they must know without a doubt that they are looking with their own eyes and be ready to understand that you can only create a reality of your emotions!

a work in progress...

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